Sharing Prospects on Public Perspective

Sharing Prospects on Public Perspective

CHICAGO, January 30, 2019--Founder Sebastian Agignoae of the International Orchestra of  Refugees was featured on Public Perspective with host Kevin McDermott, and shared how the global language of music can be used to bring together the displaced and the refugees of the world with those they seek to live among to share in the common humanity of all people. In a very practical sense, the IOR plans to give musicians who live in refugee centers a practical way to make use of their skills to build financial stability and find a renewed purpose in their disrupted lives.

“The International Orchestra of Refugees, just within the name itself, I hope it invokes hope. What it entails, we hope to design residencies for musicians who have been forcibly displaced from their homes--someplace to live and practice music in community. We envision traveling from refugee site to refugee site, recruiting displaced musicians into a full-sized conventional orchestra.”

Sebastian’s interview will air on February 2nd, and February 16th 2019 at 8:00 p.m. CST on Channel 19 to all areas covered by the Comcast Elmhurst Broadcast Center. Should you wish to access the interview now, please find it on Public Perspective’s website:

Thank you for following our story. Stay tuned for updates in the month of February by subscribing to our newsletter.

Written by Caroline Kurdej, International Orchestra of Refugees


About International Orchestra of Refugees

IOR’s mission is empowering displaced musicians to become musical ambassadors of peace, through orchestral opportunities and collaborative community.

“The International Orchestra of Refugees gives these people who are displaced the opportunity to prosper, not just survive.”

-Sebastian V. Agignoae, Founder & Director of IOR


Sebastian Agignoae, IOR Founder

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